In order to enhance the performance of your helpdesk, Freshdesk will archive closed, inactive tickets. This way, every time the helpdesk pulls up ticket count and other ticket properties, old and irrelevant tickets will be excluded making the process quicker and more efficient.  

Depending on the company's ticket traffic, any 'closed' ticket that has been inactive for 120 days will be archived. Inactivity includes no addition of replies or notes to the tickets and no change in ticket properties. The archived tickets can be accessed by the customers and agents as read-only tickets. They cannot be unarchived by the agents, admins or the customer. Any new reply made by the customer in the email thread, or a follow up by email to a ticket that has been archived, will be added as a new ticket in the helpdesk.

  • Ticket views: To retrieve the archived tickets, click on the 'Archive' view under the Tickets tab. You will be redirected to a page where you can apply the required filters and then Export this file to your agent email address. You can choose the necessary contact and company field values along with the ticket properties for this export. You will find the ticket URL in the exported file to help you view the tickets individually on the helpdesk.

  • Customer portal: Customers can view the tickets they created that have been archived by logging into the customer portal and choosing Archive in the ticket filter. They won't be able to reply to an archived ticket from the portal. 
  • Customer profile view: The archived tickets of each contact or company will be displayed in their profile view under the Contacts tab. It can be viewed by selecting 'Archived tickets' on the contact/company details page. This view will display 30 archived tickets for that contact/company. If there are more than 30 archived tickets associated with that contact/company, an option to export these tickets will be displayed.

  • Ticket Search: Under the Global search, if you want the Archived tickets to show up, you have to manually change the search settings to include the archived tickets if required. By default, this option will be turned off.
  • Reports: Archive will not have any effect on reports. Archived tickets will be counted as closed tickets in reports.
  • Automation: Automation rules will not run on archived tickets. 
  • Dashboard: Ticket archiving will boost the speed of the dashboard ticket counter.
  • Ticket watching: The agents who are added as watchers to a ticket will not continue to receive any notifications about the ticket once the ticket gets archived. In other words, any agent can watch a ticket only till it gets archived.
  • Ticket deletion: An agent can go to the archived ticket detail page upon performing a search or using the ticket ID in the URL or through the Contact/Company > Archived tickets and use the 'Delete forever' button to delete the ticket. This action will permanently delete the ticket from the helpdesk and is irreversible.

  • Archived ticket export: A maximum of only one export can run at a time for an account. You can trigger the next export after receiving the previous export's file. 

Note: The ticket archival feature will be enabled for accounts that are older than 1 year.