As an Organization Administrator, you can change other agents’ names by following the steps below,

  1. Navigate to the bottom left corner of your Freshdesk account and click on the Switcher icon.

  2. Select the option “Users” under the Freshworks Neo Center URL.

  3. Select the user whose name needs to be modified and click on “Edit Profile.”

  4. Make the necessary changes and click on Save. This will be reflected in Freshdesk as well.

As an agent, you can change your name by following the steps below,  

  1. Navigate to the top right corner of your Freshdesk account and click on the Profile Picture icon, and select the Profile Settings option.

  2. On the Profile Settings page, click on the “Change your profile information or password” in the left side panel.

  3. This will redirect you to your Freshworks Profile Page. Click on the “Edit Profile” option in the top right corner.

  4. Update your name and click Save. The changes will be updated in Freshdesk as well.

As an administrator, you cannot change an existing agent’s name.

If you have any further questions or clarifications, please drop an email to and our Product Specialist will be happy to assist you.