When a ticket is created for a product listed on eBay, the ticket will be automatically tagged with a set of tags to make it easier for you to search and find them. The list of tags that will be appended to an eBay ticket are:

    • eBay

    • eBay account name (that you configured when linking your helpdesk)

    • Category of product for which the ticket was raised - which is eBay’s directory of listing. For example, If you have created a ticket for a Wristwatch and eBay lists the watch under “Jewellery and Wristwatches → Watches → Quartz”, then the tags added to the ticket will be

    • “Jewellery and Wristwatches”

    • “Watches” and

    • “Quartz”

Only the top three directories of the listing tree will be added as tags to your ticket in addition to eBay and your integration account name.