Note: If your account is on the Sprout plan, the API key and the API functionality will NOT be available.

An API key is a unique alphanumeric identifier, for each agent on your Freshdesk Account. Irrespective of which version of Freshdesk's APIs you use, you will need to provide either your username and password combination or your API key for authorization when making API calls by triggering webhooks. Here's how you can retrieve your API key:

  • Login to your Freshdesk Account
  • Click on your profile picture icon on the top right corner and select Profile Settings

  • On the right pane, you will find the API Key
  • Copy-paste this as required to authenticate third-party solutions

Please ensure that you are the administrator/account administrator to perform helpdesk activities using the API. Keep in mind that the API keys for admin/account admin are based on role capabilities. For example, the account admin API is required to install an app from the marketplace or for any integration, while the admin's API can be used for any ticketing-related activities. If you encounter any issues finding your API key under your profile, kindly log in to your helpdesk from a different browser or clear the cache or cookies from your existing browser. Then, log in if needed and navigate through your profile settings to find your API key.